Sunday, May 29, 2011

Woman of Mystery

This is actually a portion of a "potential" bigger drawn scene. I don't know why I like to do that.  I start with something and then I just roll on with it, adding things I think make "a story."
pencil on that wonderful Cagrain paper again.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why A Duck

This was a challenge over on in the colored pencil category (April's challenge).
So, yeah, colored pencil on bristol. I spent a lot of time on this one and really enjoyed it. Obviously I didn't mask or tape off the borders and didn't finish the left side, but I like the finished product.  One thing that was different about this that I did was wipe it all down in a swirling motion with a cotton pad. That leaves a  nice sheen. (I did that instead of blending it out with a colorless blender.)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Angel in Cemetery

A drawing from a photo I took while on vacation last summer. We visited a famous cemetery and this statue was beautiful.
Pencil on 9x12 Canson heavyweight drawing paper ( a really lovely lovely paper! I recommend it!)

Sunday, May 1, 2011


My first attempt for the Paint And Draw Together: Challenge 19 - Red-winged Blackbird  (Thank you, Azra, for inadvertently alerting me to this blog - rubs hands together in glee! I am so enjoying challenges!)
Done on a canvas panel 8x10 that had been previously used as a pallet. I sanded it all down to a relatively smooth surface (thus the rough look here) and then jumped in. The darkest portions were done with quinacridone red and cobalt blue with a touch of burnt umber.  Alla prima in about three - four hours. Really had fun with this! (Took a photo and after it is really dry, I may scan it to see if it I get a better image)
Oil on canvas panel 8x10
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