Sunday, August 28, 2011


Blazingly hot here
tomorrow is supposed to be about the same or HOTTER!
sitting inside and enjoying the luxury of still life drawing from a LIVE subject (hee hee its really quite a dead and still subject)
Charcoal, Kimberly Graphite sticks, General's earth colored pastel chalk and white charcoal, and a touch of Reeves soft pastel (I don't care for soft pastels - I like the bite of harder stuff) on blue-gray Mi-Teintes pastel paper

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Watercolor hotel

Been around but have been doing so much random heres and theres that its almost like I've been on a vacation - so I'll call it that.
Anywhoo, I started this about a week ago and "when I got back" I decided I was done with this. Just kinda lost interest. Straightened a few lines and pronounced it "DUN"!
watercolor on 300lb a mix of tube paint and pencils and that lovely paint brush I commented on before.
From a photo I took while on last year's vacation - a real vacation at that!

(Note to Azra: haahaha! If I find 7 people I'll join in! Thanks for including me in your list! You're the sweetest! :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hand Study - Watercolor

 I started this with a light blue watercolor pencil on Arches 300 lb watercolor paper (I taped off an area of about 9x11")
here using only Kimberly Watercolor pencils (of the 12 colors in the pack I used ten, not using light green or lemon yellow.

 It rather looked like a colored pencil drawing at this stage, before any blending. On the lightest parts, I only used a few light strokes of straw.

 Of course, my inclination was to start with the darkest darks but reason took hold (this being a watercolor) and I did the lightest lights first. Kind of interestingly (to me at least) is that I only used one brush -a Lowe-cornell 10 ultra round (7020). It has an excellent point on it and yet could do the nicest bit of wide swatches.
Now I need to get over to deviantart and thank Chamberstock for this portion of her purplescarf pics. She has lovely stock photos.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wave Runner

Watercolor on 300lb
I was feeling OK about this one - wanting something "cool" to paint
And then I pulled out my new issue of International Artist and there was an article on Dennis Nolan, illustrator.
GASP! His watercolor work is so smooth. OOOOoooo.(eyes blink brightly)
 Other watercolorists who thrill me are Mary Whyte,  Henry Dixon, and Dean Mitchell just to name a few.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Joseph Two Bulls

It is so funny, trying to capture a likeness of someone. Here, I have to say, I got sooooo close.... and yet its just off the mark. As though I caught the likeness of his brother instead of the man. When I look at it I think I can see my error.... I shifted the paper at some point. I had measured and measured and still....  hm...  Its always a learning lesson. So darn close!
On my favorite Canson Cagrain drawing paper. 11x14 just pencil HB 2b 6B
Based on an image from the 1900s of a Dakota Sioux
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