Hi and Hello,
I mentioned earlier my art classes had gone onto perspective and I absolutely needed to be dragged about by the ear to learn it...correctly. I have to say Chris (Armstrong) does a calm and relaxed job of teaching it. One of the first nights of class I threw my hands in the air and went home quite frustrated with myself, but from that point on it all made sense. I quite enjoyed drawing this, from a photo my husband took in Veracruz, Mexico.
Pencil, Prismacolor markers in cool and warms (those are fun!), touch of colored pencil and white charcoal on Canson paper, about 12x9
Revisiting the music of Queen. Freddie Mercury really did have a wonderful, wonderful singing range
Cheers all!
God's peace!
Postnote: I got a second place ribbon at CalArtisnt! Yeah! :)