Wednesday, March 6, 2013

You can't get there from here

Just like I've read from the blogs of so many of you lately, the end of February and the beginning of March have been jammed packed for me as well. No time for fun - meaning for me drawing or painting. Extra time spent at work is good for the pocketbook, bad for making Art.
So I was especially looking forward to Monday night's drawing class to be able to just concentrate on nothing but. We've been having life drawing with alternating male and female models. This week we had Carson who looked about fourteen and was really about eighteen. She models frequently and really knew how to hold her pose. I hope we use her again. Chris suggested I add a bit to the back of her head, narrow her neck and then gave me a compliment that made my evening, telling me, "There's not much I would correct here." He walked by me three times after that and just nodded. I have to say I had really felt I was capturing her face, but that sealed it. All the cards fell into place for drawing her that night. Next week, who knows? My hand may have a mind of its own.

Ok friends, let's hope this cosmic block moves on to another galaxy. I want to draw! Live long and prosper.


  1. Karen, That's why I love a class each week. You make time and push yourself to do what you love. :) Moo

  2. She is really well done..and not an easy position, and you got the eyes perfect !

  3. Very nice portrait Karen! It does seem to be a busy time of the year, going to class every week forces me to do something!

  4. Very classic looking portrait Karen!! Well done!
    We all have to go through this juggling act to get to what we really want to do,but when we do make time it is so worth going through all those hoops! Keep going my friend. : )

  5. Thank you all. We've all had those times. (Could've been worse, like Karin Jurick who had gall bladder surgery. Whoa)

  6. Karen your drawings always make me want to pick up a pencil. I got a new sketchbook today and thought of you - hope to be just as gung ho someday - it's good to watch the progress of a painter who really sees the value of drawing - the foundation of all realism. Thanks for the inspiration! ♥

    1. Aw, shucks, Karen! You're so sweet! Love your latest!


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