Thursday, September 26, 2013

Calm and Rough

Why is it waves are so calming even when they surge?
You know what I mean? I find it so.
Anywhoo, thanks for letting, expound on my last post. I guess I just needed to vent. (I did have a few nice conversations as a result of it :) I promise not to be a snivel-bunny any time soon.
In any case, I really enjoyed painting this. From a stock photo by shutterbugmom on deviantarts

Oil on canvas panel board, 14x11" wave landscape (that's funny! wave landscape? lol)
SOLD * Auction bid on (and I didn't realize they took the first most recent post! Whoo boy! People must thinks I rant allll the time!)
Cheers all!
*Please contact me if you would like to commission a similar painting.


  1. Love the motion. Your colors are so translucent.

  2. Wow Karen, that wave looks so real! The colors are gorgeous and you can just imagine the wave coming out at you!

  3. This is amazing Karen!! The wave has great motion and the colours are gorgeous ! We all need to vent at times. : )

  4. Oh my gosh guys! Thanks! You're all so sweet!

  5. A fantastic wave with a lot of power and great colors , wonderful painting !

  6. Nothing wrong with a good rant now and again - it's your blog and you can cry if you want to! :) Love the colors in this one - beautiful translucent yellows. So great!!!


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