Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Champagne Pop

Happy New Year.
I am feeling a bit more festive today and looking forward to new fresh year. 

I wasn't quite sure if I would have this finished by today so I took this pic of my work in progress. After I got my hand - yes, my actual hand was the model (thank you hand) - in semi-realistic fashion I went to work on the bottle and fizz. I'm quite pleased with the results and it was fun to paint.
Oil on canvas, 10x10", still life. Available
 So again, Cheers all and God's Peace in the new Year.


  1. Wonderful and festive painting , love your hand, beautifully painted ! Wish you a happy, prosperous and creative 2014 !

  2. Very cool Karen! Happy New Year. Fresh Start!

  3. Beautiful work Karen!! Love the blue background which sets off your hand and the bottle perfectly! God's peace and a new beginning.xx

  4. WOW! Karen i LOVE this!!! wonderful concept and beautifully painted! hands scare me. clearly they don't scare you at all! wonderful. i would like to thank your hand as well! happy new year and happy creating my friend!

  5. Thanks all and Happy New Year! Lol Suz! Scary hands!


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