I had set this aside for quite some time. I couldn't get it to gel. And then one day I pulled it out, told it I was going to win this draw and it cooperated - at least to the best of my abilities at this time.
At the painting classes I attend, there is a group of artists there whom appear to have been in class together for some time. They are a very pleasant group. But.... (you saw that coming didn't you?)
One of them in particular does this slow rant under their breath as class progresses until it erupts into a group chant "I can't paint, you can't paint, we all can't paint."
I'm starting to not enjoy that aspect of class, especially when the pallet get cleaned up early (with grumbling), the painting goes into the trash with a loud "thunk" and the artist storms out.
So, when I read this other day I chuckled:
From Studio
Incamminati blog Nov. 9, 2011 by Robin Dawn Frey
things have helped me overcome feelings and thoughts of inadequacy: I heard
Richard Schmidt once say that he does not degrade himself or his art...(that
was sort of a wake-up call for me!). Having Nelson Shanks tell me to "rise
to the challenge of painting..."(never forgot that!). Reading the book
"Painting and the Personal Equation," by Charles Woodbury, and
landing on the passage where he says to become a better painter, he or she has
to change as a person. Lastly, I got completely exhausted from questioning
myself and my work. That kind of self-dialogue just doesn’t help...it gets in
the way of progress, and it just is not necessary!
I had one
student who used to perpetually degrade herself and her art, and I used to tell
her over and over that she had to quit doing that. She continued taking my
Saturday class, and slowly started to improve. One day I asked her how she had
turned this corner, and she just said “I got tired of being so negative.”
I wish I could attend classes at Studio Incamminati but whatever class I am in, I am there to learn. (I remember reading something - I think it was about conducting workshops by the wonderful egg tempura painter Koo Schadler, but I could be wrong - who said the hardest student was the one who thought they'd be taking home a masterpiece.)
Oil painting on panel, 10x8", landscape (?!) (hm, still life? fantasty? - your guess is as good as mine! For sale on dailypaintworks.com
Cheers all! God's peace.