Saturday, June 12, 2010

1st post

Hmm. what the hell am I doing?
Oh well.
I am
no no no! I am learning
Learning to explore strange new worlds..... out there... (jeez... and I'm not even Capt. Kirk!)
Anywhooo- I am Karen Stitt, aka. ksstitt
I think I picked a... er..., that's not it.... a confused, WRONG NAME
A moniker that looks like a slang for a porn star. Dum. - oh boy - what was I thinking
Oh well... again.
Down to business.
My first post. About ART.
I love ARRrrrrrrT - especially pencil and oils and watercolor and colored pencils and the way they make a person feel. I can look at art and feel differently after viewing it. Even..... digital art. (which makes me semi mad to even admire it - but, well, I do)
And so, without further ado, MYFIRSTPOST!!!
heaven bless you- ks
pencil on bristol 9x12

1 comment:

  1. I forgot...
    the first post is pencil on bristol velum and is entitled "FLYBOY"


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