Friday, September 9, 2011

Pastel Fruit and other assorted ramblings including Anthony Waichulis

Buzy buzy buzy! But thought I'd just check in with some randomness.
So, I recently purchased Anthony Waichulis' Drawing Clinic First Steps - which is designed to help his new incoming students tackle the first skills he gives them.  I am believing he must lose a lot of students due to the constraints he first imposes so I think doing this beforehand would help - but as a DVD I wanted a bit more. The exercises are called pressure tests/skills and he makes his students do hundreds of them before moving on. I first saw his hyperrealism pencil drawings a few years back and just about fell over.  So incredible.! 
(Eeek! I added a mouse to my block )
I also did some drapery/cloth studies and, randomly, a bit of barbwire  Gonna have to work on the cloth studies a bit more
And then some soft pastel fruit
Not really thrilled with the fruit..... I want more "zing" to them and the soft pastels just don't do for me.

Cheers from me to you!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! I love the mouse peeping out from behind the block! The fruits are fantastic Karen,especially the oranges.


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