Monday, March 25, 2013

Tomato with new paint

Hi and hello,
Ah, Spring. Trees bursting, the roses bushes already have a bloom or two. Planted the garden and now to wait in anticipation for the first tomato of the season. Yum.
A few weeks ago Graphaids had their annual 40% sale and I had to get over to pick up what never really goes on sale, namely oil paint. Yeah, it goes on sale, but I mean on sale. The good stuff. So I arrived after the huge crowds had descended and left, leaving the place quite picked over and a fellow painter and I start to talk. Next thing I know I'm buying Williamsburg Turkey Umber and Italian Yellow Ochre. I had no intention of buying these colors when I went in, but he proclaimed their virtues and I succumbed. Like shopping when you're hungry. Ok, he was right. They are most interesting. And then also I bought what I intended, Cerulean Blue and Alizarin Crimson. For these last two I opted for Sennelier.  So, like any time you buy something new (earrings, shoes) you have to try them on for size, right? What if they're just not you? So I grabbed some of the paper canvas I had already prepped, taped off the edges, got my pallet in place, squeezed out a dollop of Turkey Umber (OK, nice), squeezed out a dollop of Italian Yellow Ochre (OK, nice), opened the tube of Sennelier Cerulean Blue and SPLOOSH! About two tablespoons of just oil - no pigment - all over the Umber and Ochre. Wow. I promptly went online to and got the answer in a snap. Sennelier is made with safflower oil and separates. The word on the street is, "Store them upside down. Should be OK for the long run." Who knew? They did. Now I do and you do too.

On paper canvas (thank you Azra!)  about 7x9
Cheers all! Gods blessings!


  1. Thank you for the tip...sometimes you actually do learn from others errors :-)) My first thought when I saw your tomato was ' is that a painting ? '...It looks so real ! Nice , fresh , mature and tempting !

  2. Wonderful tomato!!! asbolutely wonderful! and thank you for the tip. i've taken to squeezing over the pail to loose that oil top, now i will store everything upside down!

    and thank you so very much for your very kind and generous comments on morning walk! very much appreciated!

    happy creating!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Suzanne. I'm always happy when creating! And the revamped "Morning Walk" is fabulous! I want to learn tips from you, really and truly! (I meant to say"want" ha!
      Hugs to you and the little guys!

  3. Wow, beautiful painting Karen, that tomato looks amazing!

  4. I thought it was a picture of a tomato too. Love it. You are so lucky to have spring like weather. My plants for the vegetable garden won't arrive until May.

  5. Love the colours and the fresh dewy look of this tomato!!


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