Saturday, January 12, 2013

A New Beginning

Weirdly enough, I wasn't going to post this on my blog - for the sheer sake that its on newsprint. (Wait, let me say, "That darn DREADED NEWSPRINT."  Did I mention I am NOT a fan of newsprint. Oh, yes, I have. Pardon me for repeating myself.)
Anywhoo, happy enough with it, except for the fact THAT ITS ON NEWSPRINT! (Oops, sorry.) When I scan newsprint, it sort of.....shreds. ?
And isn't that strange that newspaper publications seem to be going away, yet we will continue to have newsprint. I am filled with compassion for those losing their newspaper related jobs. And the demise of newspapers themselves seem to be leading to frivolous junk on the on-line news. If I want to read about some local issues, I have to wade through stoopid articles about what the latest "It" girl is doing and wearing and on-line games. Stoopid.
Charcoal on, yes, you guessed it..... newsprint.

Cheers all!


  1. Fabulous work Karen!! You are definitely a master of drawings!! I stopped reading certain magazines years ago exactly for those reasons,they are full of gossip.Newspapers are a part of our lives ,lets hope they can hang on.

  2. Amazingly beautiful...seems so soft !


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